Digital Painting · Fine Art Photography

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Peter Andres

Photography and Video

Peter Andres
My world of pictures

I have been involved with photography and video in fine-art for over 40 years. Learned autodidactically, but also influenced by further training in workshops with great photographers.

Much has accumulated over the years. Many of my preferences can be seen here, but far from all.

Go ahead and browse. If you like to see further pictures or videos or if you have any questions, please send me an Email.

In front of the camera ...

I am also sometimes in front of the camera.

Creation of the images and videos

Some of my images came out of my cameras the way you see them here. Others are more or less heavily edited and combined. I love making pictures with pictures.

Below is a small selection of some of the works. You can see much more in the galleries.

My retrospective covers the development of my photography and video history.

► To the Retrospective

Origin of the images

There are no pictures or videos from other photographers here. Not even those from the Internet.
All pictures are of myself.

There are also none that were created with AI (artificial intelligence). My own intelligence has served me well enough.

More about my way is ► here.

Scuba-Diving — Multidimensionality

Paradise 4.0


An interactive book

My retrospective is something like an interactive book about me, my life and my photographic career. As I have been taking photographs for over 50 years, it has become a bit longer. I have therefore divided it into different chapters. To do this, I also had to divide it into different websites.

The reason

I once again rummaged through my photo archive and found a few things that still have their (image-wise) meaning. The impetus to write down my "photo history" was there.

There were also moments that required a special look back. I also wanted to take new aspects into account.

And now ?

It is not finished yet and it probably will not be soon. There are ideas for new photo and video series. Postponed but not canceled. The necessary freedom for realization will come, hopefully soon.

The text of my retrospective is not yet translated to English but there are a lot of pictures to see.

Because of its size, the retrospective is divided into a main page and various sub-pages.

► This is my Retrospective...

My Photo and Video Story

An instructions for life

Extended Views

Time, it's running...

Yes, I've been in the last phase of my life for a while now. And sometimes one needs a look back. A lot has happened, a lot of pictures and videos have been taken. Good and not so good, some that can stay and some that are no longer necessary.

Some is already reworked and can be seen in the Continuum and in my Retrospektive.

There are also works that endure. And it is worth reactivating them and looking at them with a new perspective. Possibly even renewing them. The reasons for this can be very different.

Extended aspects in art and photography

I received my first basic knowledge of spiritual scientific aspects from my mother as a boy. She studied Rudolf Steiner's anthroposophy intensively.

My brother also received a little more from our mother on his path through life. He wrote a great, systematic compilation of Rudolf Steiner's complete works in over 10 years of work and has now published it in 4 books. Link

As I read through this compilation, or rather worked through it, many open questions about my life became much clearer to me and also strongly confirmed my own views.

Advanced views in the PhotoWorks chapter

This affects some of my photographic work. I therefore had to bring out earlier works again and subject them to a new examination.

This mainly includes the subject areas Freedom and Love. Here are the links to the pages:

Future ?
Symbol of true love
Symbol for true love
An expanded view


A new work:  — QUEER —


Art in the digital age

We are in the middle of the digital age. This also has a big influence on the art world.

My DigitalArt approach is not just about images, that are somehow created with digital possibilities. There is much more to it.

I created a kind of digital installations. Works that only work and can show images or videos, if they are digitally supported on the server side. This is done using a software environment, specially developed by me. My previous professional work in software and database development was very useful.

Pictures for you was a first project, an alternative to the hype NFT.

They are here for you. No costs, no obligations, just like that.
And if you don't find your picture, tell me. It is possible for me to provide further images.

Visible Change is a second of the realized projects. However, you have to take action by yourself.

DigitalArt – The Beginning
Questions about NFT – “Non-Fungible Tokens”
Pictures for you
From postcard format up to 2 meters diagonal.

Visible Change

I see what you don't see!

But… to see something more, sometimes you have to do something yourself:
Visible Change!

Your mobile phone will help you. At least here.

Visible Change is a Digital Installation, suitable for an exhibition in a public space or a gallery.

Visible Change

Visible Change


Between visible and invisible

Multidimensionality is a subject that employs me over and over since a long time. Pictures and videos can therefore not only be seen in chapter Multidimensionality.

I was here
Outside Here and Now

Videos to the theme Multidimensionality

Paradise 4.0 is my (pictorial) answer to the existential problems of the world with our homemade climate change, created on April 22, 2019.

Paradise 4.0
Le Bavard déchaîné
I am — Je suis — Ich bin
I am — Je suis — Ich bin



The reversal of perspective

In retrospect, one of my most important conceptual works.
The reversal of perspective thinking has influenced me very much in my perception of images.



Analogue photography, created at the beginning of the 1990s

My World of Pictures

Photography and Video

I take photos, create pictures and videos.
Why are there often duplicated or multiple images of the same person in one picture? From where does it come from? What is the meaning? There are not just shadows. Rather, there are double or multiple lives, dimensions. But what's the point with these dimensions? After all, we have enough of them, three! In painting as well as in photography we have to (normally) limit ourselves to one surface or two dimensions. For the rest, the third dimension, we use the perspective.

Does it continue?

Is more possible? For sure! Time as a dimension. It is just waiting to be involved. Completely normal in film and videos, easy in photography, more difficult in painting, but not unsolvable. But more is possible! An additional dimension or even more. These we do not or only badly know. They are spiritual in nature. One hardly talks about it, or one may not yet. Why?

I like this aspect, it carries on, it shows further possibilities, opens up unimagined mental games. There is much more behind as one can think. I can only make the demand: allow multidimensionality! Meet it!

Peter Andres


Born in 1952 in Bern, father architect, mother ceramist. At a young age I was already learning the process of film development and black and white enlargement in my father's darkroom. This started my experimental photography as an autodidact. Courses and workshops with renowned photographers were following. Particularly instructive were workshops with the Swiss Christian Vogt and especially with the world-famous photographer Duane Michals  (USA). He left a significant impact on me, because philosophical questions in and with photography are central to his work. I can call him one of my most influential teachers in my life!


Over the years, my ideas and demands in terms of pictorial representation have changed a lot. Conceptual statements are created with photographic methods – a kind of digital painting  as a creative game with a camera, photographs and videos as well as their components.

Since 2015 I work in my own studio in the Alten Mosterei Worb. Here I can best practice my free photography.


One never knows what Facebook does with our private data. Therefore I am no longer active there.

And another small hint

Your viewing tool for these web pages is (only because of its visual size respectively its smallness) not ideal for viewing images with a size from up to 1 x 2m. Due to the characteristics of the system, there are "certain" drawbacks. A bigger screen would help.



Much is new. In response to popular requests, the background can now also be changed. Dark or light as desired. The display can now easily be switched to the full screen. Click on the icons at the top right.

Also for suggestions and criticism I am always open.

Schau vorbei — Have a look!

Have a look! Have a look!
Where... Have a look!