VideoWorks · Fine Art Videography

► Deutsch

My video works

  • Cooperations
    • Associations – VideoWorks @ Angers
  • Video experiments
    • Instructions – And some questions about them
    • Enlighten – Light as light
    • Experiments
  • Light Paintings — Slide Shows
    • Visual-Perceptions


    • Extended Fashion - Renewed Life
    • Light Factory – LightWorks @ Urbex
    • Performance – People and Light


    • Tantra Works
  • Archive — Previous Works
    • Installation – Life Space Universe
    • Current Events – Requiem for a Secret



There are several sections included in the chapters. Each section points to a subsequent page.
Clicking on an image or the corresponding link opens the following page.
The videos can be seen there.

Videos in the detail pages

For videos in the following pages, you can only switch the full screen directly on the video.
To do this you have to click on the bottom right of the video:

Time Travel Installation and video

An installation related to video projections.

A new work: QUEER!

An installation with photographs and three video projections.

I had the first idea in November 2022. She wouldn't let me rest. The work was completed in July 2023. This was followed by the exhibition in Bern.

Idea for designing the installation
Excerpt from the video

Urban Nature Lebensraum – Living Space

Nature, urban nature? Is this possible?

Urban nature is our living space!

Time Travel L'idée du Jour

Ideas. Simple ones as they come. Implemented as videos.


L’idée du Jour – Prêt-à-porter
How to become an artist in one hour

Time Travel Urbex – VideoWorks in Abandoned Places

The recordings for these videos were made in Berlin-Bernau in the summer of 2018.


How does it work with encounters between people? How do you approach each other, what about mutual relationships?

A digital, sequential triptych.

  • Make Infinity
  • Take Infinity
  • Fake Infinity
► Three-part video

Oscillating thoughts

Oscillating Thoughts
See as YouSee

Encounter in the Flower Room

Pictures were taken during a photo session in Bernau.

Flower Room
Flower Room

Time Travel Cooperations

Meetings, encounters, men connected by ties, transformations.

What is happening here?

VideoWorks @ Angers

Wrap Up

Time Travel Video experiments

Normal videos, just slightly different...

Instructions - And some questions about them

  • For minimalists
  • For those in a hurry
  • For bureaucrats
  • For those who are patient
  • For metaphysicians
  • For artists
► Six videos and a summary
Instructions for those in a hurry
Instructions for those who are patient
Instructions for artists

Light – Light

Light as Light

Experimental Videos

A fictional battle in light, with light and for light.

  • Light Fight – LichtWerk – LightWorks
  • Conductor's Baton – Splitting Images
  • Black Snow – To be one and more than one
  • The bee's knees – Expanding Space
► Four videos
Conductor's Baton
Black Snow

Time Travel Light Paintings — Slide Shows

These videos were created from individual photographs. I take the liberty of editing the images in the video if necessary.

Visual sensations

An encounter with and in the light.

The pictures were created as a kind of a revival in an abandoned place in Berlin-Bernau.


Fashion and Life

Slideshow of photos as they came out of the camera. There is no image manipulation here. All effects were created during recording. I used a special lighting guide for this.

Extended Fashion - Renewed Life
Extended Fashion - Renewed Life

Playing with light

Let there be light! — But where and how?

  • Light Factory
  • Light Works in the Light Loft

Shooting with friends in various abandoned places. Thank to Urbex!

► Two videos
Light Factory
Light Works in the Light Loft

Magical Energy

Liquid Love
Liquid Love

Time Travel Archive - Previous Works

  • Construction of a rotating installation with a diameter of 2 meters.

  • Image-based discussion of the fail of Swiss banking secrecy.

Life Space Universe

The basic idea of the installation is the representation of a life cycle.

  • Video of the finished installation
  • Making of: Print of the 6.5m long image
  • Making of: Assembly in the studio
  • Test in the studio
► Four videos
Life Space Universe
Video of the finished installation
Life Space Universe - Print
Print of the 6.5m long image

Requiem for a Secret

Photographic thoughts on events, the rise of the Swiss financial center and banking secrecy, as well as its faîl.

Requiem for a Secret
In the beginning was the word
Requiem for a Secret
The word was followed by gold and money