Peter Andres · Retrospektive


Chapter 11


It can happen that you get a hint or a kick from outside, so that you feel called upon to do something specific. This happened when I read through (in other words worked through) a great compilation of the complete works of Rudolf Steiner's work on anthroposophy.

My brother has written this systematic work over 10 years and has now published it in 4 books: (All written in German)

Volume 1: Death, post-mortal processing of the last life,
Relationship between the living and the deceased
Volume 2: Prenatal existence, reincarnation and karma
Volume 3: Development of the earth and mankind up to the present day,
Meaning of life and the future of humanity
Volume 4: Glossary: ​​Explanations of anthroposophical terms

Rudolf Steiner’s statements about reincarnation are simply magnificent!
And that calls for some thought!

Aufsteigende Gedanken Looking at your thoughts...

It could be that you also need a little break to think.

Berlin, Lychen 2018

Extended observations Watching the thinking...

In this compilation of Rudolf Steiner’s work, I was particularly impressed by the theme of freedom and love, among many other aspects. These themes are also included in some of my paintings, both older and newer.

I therefore had to evaluate some of my work with the new observations I had gained. Result:

  • My previous attitudes to life have been confirmed
  • I have not changed any pictures
  • But descriptions and comments have been added and expanded
  • Adapted and new websites have been created

Updates are not only available in software development. They can also be found in a retrospective.

New and changed websites

And here is the slide video of the installation Meeting.

What is freedom and love?

Freedom. It is the basis for love and thus the building material for living together. Not just for bon vivants, for all of us!

The word love is used for many things. Even for things that don't contain any love. Like «I love you, but you have to love me too» or something similar. This is nothing more than a deal.
This is about much more, about a mental, spiritual process. About true love. It's about the meaning of life.

So, if you want, you can also get to know my ideas and views. I want to capture them in pictures.

Perhaps one or other of these views are useful or give you even better ideas and possibilities.


Meeting - a variable installation

In this slide video I show an installation that I created at the beginning of 2020.
It's about encounters.

  • Who am I?
  • Where am I?
  • Who is my counterpart?
  • What's going on here?

Freedom and love are the central themes here.

Visitors can help design the installation themselves. They have the freedom to change the encounters in the installation themselves. This allows them to leave a new perspective for the people who follow. They thereby become part of the work.

Installation 2020, slide video 2024.
PhotoWorks Atelier Peter Andres, Bolligen

Everything from nothing - nothing from everything Everything from nothing - nothing from everything ?

It is Wednesday, October 16, 2024, 5 a.m.
Yesterday I met with a very good friend, Urs Grunder, an excellent photographer and picture-composer, after some software-counseling on the PC had a great conversation. We discussed our current problems in the world, as well as in connection with our own works of art.

Well, it was still a bit early this morning. From about 4 o'clock my thoughts tumbled around like a daydream. It was about one of my earlier works with the title «Everything from Nothing - Nothing from Everything». It was created in 2013. But the thoughts were now related to the texts of Rudolf Steiner and his explanations about the creation of the world.

So: get up and write it down. At least as an attempt.

Creation of the world...

Rudolf Steiner's explanations about the creation of the world are much more far-sighted than our current ideas about how the world came into being (from the Big Bang to, let's say, the black hole, where everything will disappear again one day.

Rudolf Steiner begins the development of the world with NOTHING. But that is not quite right, because there was a spiritual essence. Not made of atoms or anything else physical. It was just the will of great spiritual forces that wanted to create something new: Beings that have their own ego and are able to use it to create their own. Not just physical. Purely spiritual is just as important. Creating life in the broadest sense was and is the desired end goal. But don't worry, that will take a few more world developments. There is therefore no need for us to rush.

For the second stage of world development, Steiner speaks of «a touch of warmth impression». The third stage is the creation of the physical world. We are now in the fourth stage. Three more will follow according to Steiner.

Everything from Nothing - Nothing from Everything

The first part of my work was created in 2013 shortly after the death of my partner. There are five pictures. As the title says, it begins with «Everything from Nothing» and ends with «Nothing from Everything». The other parts (I, Life, Time and Light) followed at intervals until around 2016.

Well, I am in the last phase of my life and some renewed reflections are necessary. Especially after studying Rudolf Steiner's works on «Reincarnation, Karma and the Future of Humanity».

The pictures of the first series

In 2013 I wrote about the first picture «Everything from Nothing» that it is just black, but with a hint of not quite black in the middle. The picture therefore shows nothing. But there is something there, just a hint of a construction plan, but nothing physical. Was there something like an inspiration from Steiner's statements about the creation of the world?
Well, I received a few basic knowledge of Steiner's work from my mother when I was a child. Without this knowledge, I would hardly have been able to come out when I was 25 years old. Otherwise it would probably have been suicide.

About the fifth picture «Nothing from Everything» I wrote at the time that it is just white, but with a hint of not quite white on the edge. Is this an inspiration from the last phase of world development according to Rudolf Steiner?

For the middle picture I wrote «That is US! And what do we do? WORK! But what I mean here is not work to earn a living, but rather spiritual work.» That still applies and I am always happy when I can «work» in this sense.

The series

The statement made at the time about the whole series of the first five pictures is still true:

  • This gives us a dimension with the greatest possible extent.
  • Everything from nothing to nothing of everything.
  • More is not possible.


So, what now? It's gotten a little later, breakfast and then it's back to work.
Are there any new pictures?

The following parts of the series (I, life, time and light) are described in the chapter Image thoughts.

Alles von Nichts
Alles von Nichts
Vom Manifest
Vom Manifest
Die Arbeit
Die Arbeit
Zur Transzendenz
Zur Transcendence
Nichts von Alles
Nichts von Alles

Rückblick An attempt at a retrospective

My photographic career

Well, I am in the last phase of my life. I have done a lot, some works have been created. They are photographs, videos and also pictures that can no longer be described as photographs. I have taken liberties in this regard and implemented them in my pictures.

And how do I judge my work in retrospect? What qualities and statements of the images were important to me?

To be honest, it is not easy for me to answer these questions completely. I have to describe them as provisional. They can change in the future, or I can change them if I want to or have to from an inner drive.

For a very long time, my work has been mainly about these fundamental aspects:

  • Independence
  • Honesty
  • Openness
  • Willingness to experiment
Withdrawn Thoughts
Withdrawn Thoughts
Another Connection
Another Connection


My way of life laid the foundations for this. My love of photo books of photographic art also contributed a lot to this.

However, workshops with great masters had a great influence and inspiration for my work. In 1978, Jost J. Marchesi was in Portugal. A push in the right direction: look before you press the shutter! This was done with a simple object, a zoom with an extreme wide angle up to a huge telephoto. Everything with autofocus... It was a slide mount.

Soon after that, in 1980, I attended Sepp von Mentlen's workshop in Santorini. This led to a long-term, deep friendship and great discussions.

Double Touch
Double Touch

The decisive workshop was in 1988 with Duane Michals at the Rencontres de la Photographie in Arles. For me, Duane is the greatest and best photographer in the world! He is the philosopher among photographers. His picture stories are some of the best. I admire his work.

Duane challenged us to use our own freedom and show it in our photography. Big thanks to Duane! In doing so, he hit an openness in me that I had been looking for with my photography since the early 1980s.

I was here
I was here

My life's journey

I have gained a lot from these workshops for my life. It was never my intention to copy ideas, I wasn't interested in that sort of thing. But they have contributed a lot to giving free rein to my willingness to experiment.

And if you give free rein to your willingness to experiment, you are not necessarily in the «main stream» of general photography. Lived freedom is much more important to me.

The most important subject areas

  • Coming together
  • Being with each other
  • Being with each other
  • Being there for each other

Sometimes there is a bit of confusion. This is not necessarily what the inventor intended, but even then there can be wonderful moments.

I am — Je suis — I am

Encounter with yourself — Follow me!
A kind of lived multidimensionality with the help of time.

Model: Alexander
Music: Julien Boulier - Empreinte esquisse

And what is my work about?

  • Coming together, being with one another was and is something very essential in my pictures.
  • This of course also includes being together, touching and feeling each other. This can be clearly seen in nude pictures, for example.
  • This togetherness can also be expressed without physical contact and have a purely spiritual effect.
  • The main basis for these aspects is freedom. Unconditional freedom!
  • This enables the most important thing in life: love. Unconditional love! And showing exactly that in pictures is my main concern. Sometimes it works, not always, but I keep at it...

Structure of the video

The video consists of a selection of 76 photos from a photo session in June 2020. The individual photos are long exposures and have not been altered in terms of imagery. All image editing was done in the video.

One of the photos for the video
Alexander — one of the photos for the video

► More about multidimensionality

Ausblick And an outlook

On the last phase of life

I have reached the last phase of my life. That changes a lot in life. Some things are harder, others are easier.

But: you have more time to think about your own life and the situation we are in.

What is life about, what is left?

Here are some of my aspects that I consider important. You can of course have a different opinion. It is your freedom to make a different choice.

  • Meeting other people at eye level
  • Freedom, unconditional freedom
  • Love, true love, without conditions

These aspects are not limited to my photography. They apply to all people and also to everything we do.

Meeting, freedom and love are the foundations of our lives.

It is the only thing that counts at the end of life, the only thing that remains.

Another connection
Up there
Outlook: what's next?


To Chapter 11:     And… I can't stop! To Chapter 1:       Foreword, Introduction
Bild: Author Peter Andres
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