And... I can't stop!
Portrait photography in abandoned places...
The fascination is too great for me.
It challenges me a lot and I have to work on it as long as I can.
Unfortunately, such Urbex places are becoming fewer and fewer because they have to make way for new buildings.
Encounters in the wind
When it gets dark, photographic activities become exciting.
Who am I? — Who are you?
Die Kapitel
Urbex — Reanimated
These pictures were taken in an old coal mine in Angers.
The Master
The photograph shows a magnificent machine. Today a rusty ruin, it is unusable and has not survived the test of time. When will it be completely scrapped?
Tough men were at work here, probably with meager pay, but all the more dangerous. Accidents were the order of the day...
Now, this Urbex place has been revitalized.
The photograph shows a young man, no clothes, naked, without any protection.
The contrast to that time couldn't be bigger. The same goes for Man - Machine.

The human in the wheel of life
Trapped in the world of work

Deus ex Machina
Deus ex Machina literally means:
God from the machine.
Sounds a bit far-fetched, doesn't it?
This refers to an unexpected helper or surprising circumstance,
through which a previously unsolvable problem suddenly becomes solvable.

Genius Rex
A divine helper?

Dangerous operation
Can this go well?

Zeus Digital

Zeus in action
The image is digitally composed of several photographs.
However, artificial intelligence did not work here, my own intelligence was sufficient.
Once a luxury hotel complex
Le Tolosan, once a luxury hotel complex in Boussens, southern France.
The hotel included an amphitheater, gourmet restaurant, meeting rooms and golf course. It was built over thirty years ago by the Elf company on a hill and included several buildings on different levels of the property.
After several ownership takeovers, the hotel's popularity began to wane and customers became increasingly rare. The liquidation was obvious.
After the closure, the hotel changed hands several times before it was abandoned. It was quickly looted and everything that could be sold was stolen. As a result, the hotel deteriorated quickly until a fire broke out.
The view
The photographs I took there hardly give any indication of the former luxury. Only the view remains.
The photographs were taken in the summer of 2024.

The King of Urbex
A great backdrop for Urbex actions, but not entirely safe.
It is not only suitable for graffiti artists.

New things are emerging in the kingdom of Urbex
The flags are waving in the wind.

Encounters in the wind
Photo performance in the late evening.
Inviting for photographic activities.
During the day, such shots are hardly possible outside.
Existence, being together, being with each other…
Connection — it flows.
An encounter, a play in the wind, together with natural and artificial light.
Large motion blurs.
Francois and Gael, my two models, were very committed to this experiment and had a lot of fun. Only the two of them were in front of the camera.
Photo performance, created in the summer of 2024 in the South of France.
Late evening
- Who am I?
- Who are you?
- Where are we?
- Why?

It's getting dark
- Where is reality?

Late into the night
- I'm with you
- You're with me
- Just BE!
The flags are still blowing in the wind.

To Chapter 12: Reconsiderations To Chapter 10: DigitalArt